Strategic Partners

AMSG Strategic Partners


The Africa Minerals Strategy Group (AMSG) will actively engage with interested nations and strategic partnerships to explore investment opportunities and contribute to the future economic development in the mining sector in member African countries (Article 1.2 of the AMSG Establishment Charter). 

Objective 2.6 of the AMSG Establishment Charter provides for Strategic Partnerships: Fostering the socio-economic development of Africa through the close collaboration and coordination with strategic partners.

Furthermore, the AMSG founding Member Nations agreed to prepare and sign a Cooperation Charter for Critical Minerals Development and Partnership with each Strategic Partner to protect the strategic interests of AMSG member nations (Clause 11 of the AMSG Establishment Resolution). 

The AMSG Secretariat is mandated to prepare Cooperation Charters and Partnership with the Strategic Partners for the ratification of the AMSG member nations.

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