AMSG Policy Dialogues & Roundtables

AMSG Policy Dialogues & Roundtables


The Africa Minerals Strategy Group (AMSG) organizes action-oriented policy dialogues and roundtables to promote collaboration, resource sharing and strategic partnerships to facilitate international cooperation in the mining and minerals sector among Member African nations and work closely the interested nations, strategic partners and the private sector to ensure a sustainable, transparent and secure supply of critical minerals, while protecting our environment and improving the quality of life of our population.

The Strategic Intent of the AMSG Policy Dialogues and Roundtables is to “Move from Talk to Action”.

The AMSG Policy Dialogues and Roundtables promote interactive discussions and offer a collective opportunity to exchange experiences, share lessons learned, provide policy guidance and agree on transformative initiatives to achieve the sustainable development of Africa’s vast minerals resources and leverage these significant mineral reserves for socio-economic development.

The AMSG Policy Dialogues and Roundtables also champion and advance a Common African Voice and Agenda on the critical need for Africa to maximumly benefit from her vast minerals and natural resources.

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