AMSG Youth in Mining

AMSG Youth in Mining

Today’s generation of young people is the largest in history, with most of them living in developing countries. 60% of Africa’s over 1.4 billion people are aged below 25, making it the youngest continent in the world. Africa’s Youth population is rapidly growing and expected to double to 830 million by 2050. However today, the majority of youth in Africa do not have jobs and stable economic opportunities. More than one in four young people in Africa are not in employment, education or training.

Africa is very rich in natural resources ranging from arable land, water, oil, natural gas, minerals, forests and wildlife. The continent holds a huge proportion of the world’s proportion of the world’s natural resources, both renewables and non-renewables.

Africa’s vast natural resources and proven significant mineral reserves provide a unique opportunity to create millions of job for youth through local beneficiation, skilling and capacity building.

Therefore, the Africa Minerals Strategy Group (AMSG) in partnership with Blaze Metals are implementing a Youth in Mining initiative in AMSG Member States starting with the 16 AMSG Founding Member Nations.

The AMSG Youth in Mining initiative is focused on creating youth employment and meaningful participation in the mining sector facilitating a collaboration between youth especially those from mining communities and the mining industry. This will be done through:

  1. Conducting skills and enterprise development with the objective of reducing rural urban migration within mining communities;
  2. Employment, equity and human resource development;
  3. Promoting small scale and medium scale mining among youth within mining communities;
  4. Training youth in best mining practices and environmental conservation;
  5. Providing ready-made market for youth in mining enterprises;
  6. Providing prefinancing for youth small scale enterprises to acquire machinery and equipment;
  7. Introducing the youth to responsible mining activities while positively impacting their futures.

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