On Thursday, 11 Janaury 2024 on the sidelines of the third Future Minerals Forum 2024, Africa Ministers and Representatives of the 16 AMSG founding Member Nations met His Excellency Abdulrahman Albelushi, Deputy Minister of Mining Enablement of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to introduce the Africa Minerals Strategy Group (AMSG) as a key outcome of the third Future Minerals Forum 2024 and seek a cooperation on critical minerals development and strategic partnership with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a Founding Partner.
The Saudi Deputy Minister welcomed the initiative and expressed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s interest and unwavering support towards Africa as a continent and specifically the Africa Minerals Strategy Group (AMSG) thereby becoming a founding partner. His Excellency Albelushi advised that once the Africa Minerals Strategy Group entity is formalized (ratified) by the founding Member Nations and communicated through diplomatic channels, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will work with the AMSG to achieve the goals of the super region, further the critical minerals agenda under the Future Minerals Forum framework and explore investment opportunities using the Kingdom’s newly launched Manara Minerals Investment Fund.

His Excellency Albelushi further informed the African Ministers that the Mining Sector is essential in the achievement of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and its three pillars of a vital society, a thriving economy and an ambitious nation.
Future Minerals Forum
Convened by Saudi Arabia, the Future Minerals Forum (FMF) is a platform designed to enable the creation of resilient mineral values chains in the vast resource rich super region of Africa, Western and Central Asia.
Manara Minerals Investment Fund
Manara Minerals Investment Fund is a joint venture between the Saudi Mining Company (Ma’aden) and the Public Investment Fund (PIF).